Disinfectant & Sanitisation
We are your key to clean

Why IPC ?

  • We have dedicated and determined customer service assistance team to analyze, understand and evaluate the exact need and requirement.
  • 100% Eco-friendly, Regional Government and EPA approved disinfectant to help in protecting you and your loved ones from pandemic.
  • Our professionals are fully equipped with all protective apparatus including gloves, mask, bodysuit, shoe covers to maintain safety standards regulated by the World Health Organization during the service.
  • Complete coverage right from the frequent touch points like door handles, switchboards, and surfaces etc..
  • We are ready to serve our customers at any time ensuring best services.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We are here to get rid of pests in as few visits as possible. But we take responsibility until the job is done right, & 100% satisfaction guaranteed in every visit.

Health & Safety

We ensure the use of masks and other personal protective equipment by our technicians in addition to proper social distancing and providing a contactless payment option whenever we can.

24-Hour Guaranteed Response Time

Within select service areas, our team will respond to your call within 24 hours. Our mission? Providing timely pest control service to all.

Best Pest Control Service In Bangalore

Disinfectant & Sanitization

IPC’s disinfectant and sanitation services uses various methods that promotes a stronger antibacterial and antiviral affect. While sanitizing we use a serial disinfectant that builds a shield and offers constant protection. Our Touch point Sanitation process disinfects key areas and objects that are frequently touched throughout the day. Aerial disinfectant enable microorganisms control in inaccessible areas, preventing essential contamination points. Our Service team with years of experience will focus on effective methods of managing the pests and delivering on our promise. 

Touch Point Sanitization

Touchpoint cleaning is the process of disinfecting key areas or items that are touched frequently throughout the day. These objects include doorknobs, light switches, rails, elevator buttons, keyboards, coffee machines, printers and any other surfaces that see frequent human contact .

Aerial Sanitization

We offer a revolutionary hygiene system that enables microorganism control in inaccessible areas, preventing essential contamination points in industries.

Surface Disinfectant

We build a shield for you that offers constant protection, and we do so in away that is verifiable and affordable.